Developer Setup =============== Quark now uses Qubole's fork of [incubator-calcite]( Checkout calcite and install jars. The following code will install `1.5.0-qds-r6-SNAPSHOT` git clone cd incubator-calcite git checkout qds-1.5 mvn install -DskipTests Checkout and compile Quark Make changes in incubator-calcite --------------------------------- You have to create a dev branch, change versions, develop and merge the changes once you are done. git checkout -b dev_branch qds-1.5 change version to 1.5.0-qds-dev_branch in all pom.xml files. (We need to improve this) change version in quark-calcite/pom.xml Once you merge your changes back to `qds-1.5`, bump up the versions in all pom.xml files. Release a new version of Quark ============================== Releases are always created from `master`. During development, `master` has a version like `X.Y.Z-SNAPSHOT`. To create a release, the version has to be changed, compile, deploy and bump the development version. # Change version as per mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.Z -DgenerateBackupPoms=false git commit -m "Prepare release X.Y.Z" -a git tag -a X.Y.Z -a "A useful comment here" git push git push --tags # SSH to build machine if required #Deploy to Maven Central mvn deploy -P release #Set new development version. mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.(Z+1)-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false git commit -m "Set Development Version to X.Y.(Z+1)" -a