
  • Start an EMR cluster with Apache Hive installed.
  • Setup a Hive Metastore on AWS RDS.

Load data in Hive

Execute the SQL in the file create-hive-tables.sql on your Apache Hive Cluster.

Load data into Redshift

Run the following command in psql:

create table store_sales_cube(
  d_year INT, 
  d_moy INT, 
  d_qoy INT, 
  d_date timestamp, 
  cd_gender varchar(10), 
  cd_marital_status varchar(10), 
  cd_education_status varchar(50), 
  s_store_id varchar(100), 
  s_store_name varchar(100), 
  grouping_id varchar(100), 
  sum_wholesale_cost double precision, 
  sum_list_price double precision, 
  sum_sales_price double precision, 
  sum_extended_price double precision, 
  sum_coupon_amt double precision, 
  sum_net_profit double precision);

create table store_sales_partition(
  ss_sold_date_sk           int,
  ss_sold_time_sk           int,
  ss_item_sk                int,
  ss_customer_sk            int,
  ss_cdemo_sk               int,
  ss_hdemo_sk               int,
  ss_addr_sk                int,
  ss_store_sk               int,
  ss_promo_sk               int,
  ss_ticket_number          int,
  ss_quantity               int,
  ss_wholesale_cost         float,
  ss_list_price             float,
  ss_sales_price            float,
  ss_ext_discount_amt       float,
  ss_ext_sales_price        float,
  ss_ext_wholesale_cost     float,
  ss_ext_list_price         float,
  ss_ext_tax                float,
  ss_coupon_amt             float,
  ss_net_paid               float,
  ss_net_paid_inc_tax       float,
  ss_net_profit             float);

Load data into this table using the following command:

copy store_sales_cube
  from 's3://public-qubole/datasets/quark_example/store_sales_cube.csv'
  credentials 'aws_access_key_id=****;aws_secret_access_key=****'; 

copy store_sales_partition
  from 's3://public-qubole/datasets/quark-example/store_sales_partition/'
  credentials 'aws_access_key_id=***;aws_secret_access_key=***' csv

Set up SQLLine

Copy jline-xxx.jar, sqlline-xxx.jar, and quark jdbc driver jar into a directory, for the purpose of this example, the directory name is “sqlLine”

cd quark
mkdir sqlline
cd sqlline

Install quark jdbc driver jar

mkdir quark
cd quark
git clone quark-src
cd quark-src
mvn install -DskipTests

copy the jar: quark-jdbc/target/quark-jdbc-*.jar to our sqlLine directory.

Install Hive JDBC jars

cd sqlline
cd AmazonHiveJDBC_1.0.4.1004

For more information refer to the EMR documentation

Install Postgres JDBC jar

cd sqlline

Install MySQL Jar

Visit the MySQL JDBC download page. Download the jar and copy it to the sqlline directory.

Quark JDBC Jar Configuration

Edit quark-config.json and fill in credentials for AWS RedShift and Apache Hive in dataSources array. Store the file in a location accessible by the Quark JDBC driver.

Start up Sqlline

java -Djava.ext.dirs=/home/user/sqlLine/ sqlline.SqlLine
!connect jdbc:quark:quark-config.json com.qubole.quark.jdbc.QuarkDriver


In the above example AWS Redshift contains the view store_sales_partition for the table tpcds_orc_500.store_sales. It described by the following WHERE clause:

ss_sold_date_sk >= 2452640 and ss_customer_sk > 3 and ss_customer_sk < 20

Quark redirects the following query to the view in AWS Redshift even though the table in the sql query hive.tpcds_orc_500.store_sales is a Apache Hive table.

select * from hive.tpcds_orc_500.store_sales where ss_sold_date_sk >= 2452640 and ss_customer_sk > 3 and ss_customer_sk < 20


The cube setup in this example is described in more detail in the CUBE blog post. Redshift contains the cube table for a star-schema join on the fact table store_sales.


select d_year, d_qoy, sum(ss_sales_price)  as sales 
from hive.tpcds_orc_500.store_sales_2002_plus 
  join hive.tpcds_orc_500.date_dim on ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk 
group by d_year, d_qoy;

The above query runs on AWS Redshift and returns the following rows:

|   d_year    |    d_qoy    |           sales           |
| 2002        | 1           | 1.43591514E9              |
| 2003        | 1           | 1.02997072E8              |
| 2002        | 2           | 1.36243994E9              |
| 2002        | 3           | 2.52206029E9              |
| 2002        | 4           | 4.13493248E9              |

The following query however cannot be answered by the cube in RedShift and is executed on Hive.

select d_year, d_dom, sum(ss_sales_price) 
from hive.tpcds_orc_500.store_sales_2002_plus
join hive.tpcds_orc_500.date_dim on ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk group by d_year, d_dom;